- ☏ 63 2 8527 5555
- ✉ inquiry@msl.com.ph
One Stop Warehousing Solutions, Inc. (OWSI) is MSL’s contract logistics warehouse and inventory management services provider for client partners and customers’ complex warehousing and storage requirements throughout the Philippines. In addition, OWSI offers warehouse management services of cold storage facilities for frozen and chilled commodities. This includes stock management of products, distributor replenishment, route-to-route market services, and vehicle capacity utilization for chilled products.

OWSI’s commitment to provide cost-beneficial solutions in warehouse management has led to the acquisition of the INFOR Warehouse Management System, which covers all aspects of warehouse management protocols from receiving to releasing. Established in 2011, OWSI operates five container yards with managed warehouses accommodating up to 33,000 pallet positions, and provides clients with real-time reports for all activities in any managed warehouse. With operations nationwide, OWSI provides storage, stripping, stuffing, cargo staging area, and other related container yard (CY) services.

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